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Overwhelmed by trustee duties? An agent for trustee can help

September 15, 2022 / 3 min read

Being a trustee is a pivotal — and at times stressful — role in the success of an estate plan. It involves investment planning, back-office trust administration, and complex decisions concerning distribution of funds. Here’s how an agent for trustee can help.

A successful business owner knows that a key to success is hiring the right people to help lead their organization financially, operationally, and administratively. In a corporate structure, this would be a chief executive officer (CEO) surrounded by impactful leaders such as the chief financial officer (CFO), chief operating officer (COO), and chief investment officer (CIO). And just as a business owner or CEO needs to surround themselves with the right team to be successful, so too does a trustee. As an individual trustee, one way to help ensure success — or choose the right “team” — is to establish an agent-for-trustee relationship with a professional fiduciary.

Choosing a trustee is a core component of the owner’s legacy of success. The choice of trustee is akin to choosing a successor CEO for a business: the owner must choose someone they can trust to be a good steward of the family's assets. Trustee options typically include key business leaders at the company, trustworthy family members or advisors, or a professional trustee. 

When an individual is chosen as trustee, they effectively become the “CEO” of the family wealth held within the trust. Like the successful business owner who created the wealth, they must surround themselves with a trusted support team to ensure the wealth is properly managed. Most know to engage a financial advisor, the “CFO” of the family wealth, to oversee trust investments, but they often forget to consider the “COO” and “CIO” roles. This is where engaging a professional fiduciary to serve as agent for trustee can be critically important.

When an individual is chosen as trustee, they effectively become the “CEO” of the family wealth held within the trust.

An agent for trustee engagement encompasses three important facets trustees need to manage family wealth successfully:

More specifically, aside from investment management, an agent for trustee relationship provides important guidance and administrative support to the trustee, including: 

Family wealth deserves the same attention as a successful business and needs a robust team in place to serve that family wealth appropriately. Give our team a call to see how we can help.

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