I’ve always felt it’s easy to do your job well when it’s something you genuinely enjoy. I love numbers, and I’m a people person — I thrive on developing personal relationships and, I’m told, I always have a smile on my face. This profession provides me the opportunity to be who I am every day — to develop meaningful relationships with clients and staff while helping businesses and individuals thrive. One year, I received Plante Moran’s Morrison award for team spirit. I try to put others first, and it was gratifying to be recognized for that.
I’m often asked to speak to clients, their boards, and at various conferences about tax topics of current interest to leaders, including developments in the state and local tax landscape, as well as tax issues facing financial institutions, such as equity-based compensation and bad debt deductions. I’m a member of the AICPA and the MICPA.
Outside of work, I try to put my family first. I love spending time with my wife and coaching my kids’ activities. Hopefully, they’ll catch my fever for Michigan State and Detroit sports.